Knight Masonry is a chivalric, fraternal masonic order which confers three degrees of high, symbolic, philosophical and moral values. These masonic degrees continue the story of the Temple in Jerusalem and in an Irish context completes the masonic legend of the Temple.
Irish Universal Freemasonry records three outstanding events in the history of the Judean people:
The building of King Solomon's Temple depicted in Craft Masonry.
The reconstruction of that Temple ordered by King Josiah, uniquely illustrated in Irish Royal Arch Masonry.
The quest by Zerubabbel, a Prince of the House of Judah, to build a Second Temple, correctly illustrated in Knight Masonry.
Therefore, in becoming a Knight Mason, one masonically completes the unique sequence of events recounted in Universal Irish Freemasonry.
The Degrees in Knight Masonry
There are three degrees conferred within the Order of Knight Masons, all concerning the return of the Jewish people from Babylonian captivity. The central character in all of the degrees is Zerubbabel.
While the subject matter of these Degrees can be found within various masonic orders around the world, only in the Irish working under the Grand Council of Knight Masons are they communicated in the most detail and in their complete and correct form.
The content of the Degrees seems to be as old as Freemasonry itself and for centuries it has been regarded as a vital part of the Masonic Journey.
The Red Cross of Daniel or The Babylonian Pass referred to as Knight of the Sword
seeks permission from King Cyrus to return to Jerusalem
The Jordanian Pass referred to as Knight of the East
tells the story of Zerubbabel's return to Persia to seek the help of King Darius
The Royal Order referred to as Knight of the East and West
recounts the return of Zerubbabel to his countrymen in Jerusalem.
Additionally, the degree of Installed Excellent Chief for a Sir Knight elected to preside over a Council.
The ceremonies themselves are elaborate and evocative and also convey strong lessons of truth, virtue and integrity.
The Grand Council
The Grand Council of Knight Masons was formed in 1923 to preserve, practice, and perpetuate these degrees, the duty having been previously held by the Supreme Grand Encampment (now the Great Priory of Ireland). Today the Order of Knight Masons is rapidly growing in membership with the ever developing presence of Councils around the globe.
The Order has four stated Meetings per year within Ireland: twice in Freemasons' Hall, Dublin, and twice in the Provinces usually per invitations by Councils. All Sir Knights will be made welcome and are encouraged to attend.
The Joseph Karmel Benevolent Fund
This fund was established in 1959 with the sum of money donated by the children of the late V.E. Sir Knight Joseph Karmel, an active and devoted member of the Order of Knight Masons, for the purpose of perpetuating his name; as announced by the then M.E. Great Chief, M.E. Sir Knight Joseph H. Hamill. Knight Masonry is the only appendant branch of Irish Freemasonry that administers its own charitable organisation and it is for the purpose of providing emergency assistance for Knight Masons in financial distress.